that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

{Echo} Week 19- Blur

{Echo} Week 19- Blur

Photo Credits: © Christy Hydeck (left) © Susan Tuttle (right)

b l u r

Life these days is just that ... one, big, blur. Evidenced by the lack of progress on the new site, my online absence and the becoming-all-too-frequent problem of not knowing what day it is. (let's just pretend this is wednesday, as it should have been!)

As I get closer to my moving date (just a few weeks!) and continue wrapping up the endless details here; I find myself mulling over the years that have past during my time here.

The years that seem to have flown past.

I am honoring the dreams of mine that have been both lost and found. I am reclaiming the sacred parts of myself I gave to others. I am finding joy in the nervous excitement of the next phase in my life, but mostly, I am remembering and practicing the difficult art of letting go.

Morgan, my golden retriever | Raleigh, North Carolina | © Christy Hydeck

Remembering the animals and people I have loved fully, whose time with me was too brief.

Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina © Christy Hydeck

Remembering this city that I have grown to love over the last 16 years, a city that became home...

... even though there was a time that I thought it never could. I learned to embrace possibility here.

I am remembering so very many things. The good, the bad... the lessons life has taught (and sometimes beat me over the head with) me. I am thankful for my time here and I am a bit sad to see some of it come to an end... but endings always, always translate to new beginnings. Grand, isn't it?

Interestingly enough, when I chose the current theme - I had no idea just how many things would be blurred in this whirlwind mind I have and in my life. So weird how that works.

What does blur presently mean to you? Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Get out your fancy cameras, your vintage ones, your mobile phone cams or use photoshop to manipulate a digital montage. Whatever suits you best!

Always, Chrysti

The Beauty Of Solitude

The Beauty Of Solitude

{Echo} Week 18- Stripes

{Echo} Week 18- Stripes