that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

{Echo} Week 4- Surprise Roundup

{Echo} Week 4- Surprise Roundup

Callie | Raleigh, North Carolina | © Christy Hydeck

(practically) Speechless, Moi.

How's that for a surprise?

(those that know me well, may be in shock right now.. let's allow them a moment to recover and breathe normally again)

"We have to believe that even the briefest of human connections can heal. Otherwise, life is unbearable." -Agate Nesaule

Truly, I don't know where to begin or even how to properly thank each of you. The emails, comments, notes and all around support you have given me throughout this mourning period have touched me beyond measure. While there is no remedy for grief... knowing I am not completely alone, having people to share stories of my Sadie with... and the human connections you have so generously extended to me are invaluable. It helps, a lot.

So, Thank You.

Lake Wheeler | Raleigh, North Carolina | © Christy Hydeck

I haven't written everyone individually, or even commented on the replies and blogs this week... every time I went to, I began to tear up again... and I am trying to avoid that right now. Managing my moods is such a delicate balancing act - I need to make that a priority when depressive triggers hit me. Please know, I have read each & every letter - and the lack of response does not indicate a lack of gratitude. Quite the opposite in fact.

"There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state to another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life." -Alexandre Dumas

I am making my peace and finding my way through this devastating loss, as we all do.. as we must do. Death has a certain sort of way of making us appreciate... really appreciate life - it always comes back to the yin and the yang doesn't it? I am grateful that Bipolar & Tourettes have allowed me to feel everything in life so deeply - both the joys, and the pain.. so when it is most difficult.. I try to keep that in mind. Not many get to receive that gift. True moments of happiness make the rest worthwhile.

All of the emotional upheaval coupled with the franticness of the  holidays have set me behind, so I am keeping this brief (surprise!) .. and allowing you to simply savor all of the amazing responses this week. So many stories told. So many friendships blossoming.  Are you enjoying it as much as I am?

IfI have inadvertently forgotten you, or you choose to join in (yay!) … please let me know in the comments section and I will update the list .. it is wonderful discoveringthe unique visions y’all have in this beautiful life, I can’t get enough of it.

Need/want a partner?  Join the Flickr group and post here! It is my sincere wish that it shall be the start of some fabulous collaborations and friendships for y’all.

The new prompt, Week 5 – will be posted next Wednesday… December 9th, 2009.

Here's to finding the wonderful surprises life ushers in,


Where Love Lay Sleeping

Where Love Lay Sleeping

{Echo} Week 4- Surprise

{Echo} Week 4- Surprise