{Echo} Week 15- Rouge




I chose rouge as Week 15's theme because my birthday is tomorrow... and quite simply... that deep shade of red is one of my absolute favorite colors. It evokes both passion and warmth. It transports me to moments that speak of ruby red lips and beautiful gowns. I think of all the delight that cherries, apples and strawberries bestow upon us or perhaps that cool crisp feeling that red & white together bring to me. The comfort of a deep red barn or the tint on someone's cheeks as they give one of those amazing, authentic, full-belly laughs.  I can't think of a better present than to be showered with your images featuring rouge.  What does it conjour up within you?



Photo Credits: © Christy Hydeck (left), © Susan Tuttle (right) (click image to view itlarger)

Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Remember, to share your link in the comments here so if I get a chance to do a round-up I can add your site to the post, besides I don’t want to miss any of your stories.


NOTE: I'm still taking a bit of a social media break as I focus on getting my new site finished, once and for all. . There, I will have larger images that you can breathe in a bit, a much better navigational system as well as a plethora of information. I am beginning to get really excited for it and hope you'll follow me there! Roadblocks keep taking away the time I allotted for it - my birthday wish is to complete it soon without interruption! I think I'll feel as if a weight has been lifted once it is complete. You cans till join in on the 2 collaborative projects I will be hosting there -- information is on this post, leave a comment to sign up - and I'll contact you as soon as the time is right! Warmly, Chrysti

{Echo} Week 14- Fauna



      Photo Credits: © Susan Tuttle (left), Christy Hydeck (right), (click image to view itlarger)

“Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms” - George Eliot

My computer had an emergency this past week, and needed tended to immediately ... as a result, i'm rushing in a few days late with my echo... so sorry! You know how computers are when they are ill, whine.. moan..groan... don't turn me on... SO glad it's over.

Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Remember, to share your link in the comments here so if I get a chance to do a round-up I can add your site to the post, besides I don’t want to miss any of your stories.

Can't wait to see your 'fauna' responses! Chrysti

Giveaway, Published & Week 13 of Echo

I interrupt your Thursday with a few bits of fantistical news .. Go, Read On...


The ever-so-delightful Susan Tuttle is celebrating the release of her Second Book this week! She worked so very hard to bring you a book filled to the brim with projects, inspiration and digital how-to's... a must have really, for anyone interested in digital art or photo manipulation. I am thrilled to have a piece featured in her book as well..along with several other amazing contributors. Better yet, she is giving a copy away over on her blog - so be sure to stop by & enter. I also have a few other features currently out:

  • An article/tutorial and artist paper in the March/April issue of Somerset Studio... hurry, before it is off the newstands! I'll also be posting several other tutorials in conjunction with that article on my new site... which i am still slaving away at.
  • Loving my spread in the Summer 2010 issue of Artful Blogging. Such a beautiful publication - worthy of an evening alone, soaking up all the beauty it offers. More on this once I finish the site... I have posts lined up .. just for you, I hope you'll join me there when the time comes.
  •  So happy with a recent interview  I did over at The Empty Easel. I talk a bit about building an online audience, time management & more.. go check it out.
  • I have 5 original paintings currently being exhibited at Princeton's ArtFirst! Exhibition, if you are nearby .. can you let me know? I'd love to get some photos of it.

I have a few more features coming out soon, and working on some deadlines for publications later this year .. but my biggest priorities are getting ready to move, moving, cleaning out inventory and finishing the new site... it's amazing how much energy those things alone take up. Balance, is what I am striving to learn and maintain. Susan & I have decided to postpone this week's {Echo} until next Wednesday... it's a great time to go through the past themes and join in on some of your favorites - it's never too late!  We'd love to have you as a part of it. ---> {Echo} Week 1 - Emerge ---> {Echo} Week 2 - Decorate ---> {Echo} Week 3 - Abundance ---> {Echo} Week 4 - Surprise ---> {Echo} Week 5 -Melody ---> {Echo} Week 6 - Face ---> {Echo} Week 7 - Whisper ---> {Echo} Week 8 - Juicy ---> {Echo} Week 9 - Illuminate ---> {Echo} Week 10 - Collection ---> {Echo} Week 11 - Blossom ---> {Echo} Week 12 - Dim Warmly, Chrysti

33 Artistic & Free Social Media Icon Sets

If you've been within the vicinity of my house this week, you will have heard the sound of my head madly banging against my desk as I work on the web design for my new site. Today's task was a simpler one... pick & use a social media icon set for my site . Since it has been an extensive search, and we are a community of creative minds - I thought I'd share the most artistic sets I could find for your use on creative websites. 

I chose sets to feature that I could envision placed on creative websites. You know the kind...  collage artists, painters, illustrators, crafters, photographers and so many more. If you know of any other sets, drop me a comment so I can include them!


1. Colorstroked Hand Drawn Set by Mfayaz



2. Hand Drawned - Social Icons by the G-Force



3. Doodle Icon Set by SpoonGraphics



4. PagePeel - A Free Social Media Iconset



5. Extreme Grunge Garments by colaja



6. Handycons 2 - another painterly like set



7.  Origami - A Social Media Set



8. Wooden - By WebToolKit4Me



9. Polaroid Icon Set at Webtoolkit



10. Cheers - For the creative food folks.



11. Social Post Stamps at MarcoFolio




12. Sketchy by plechi



13. Black Paint Splatter by WebTreatsETC



14. Handycons -Hand drawn icon set, looks painterly



15. Denim Jeans by WebTreatsETC



16. Sketchy by Snap2Objects



17. Handy icons at WebDesignerDepot



18. Coffee Stains at WebTreats ETC



19. Woodcut by arsgrafik



20. Old Bottle Crowns by Dawghouse design Studio


21. Woven by Dawghouse Design Studio



 22. Vintage Postage Stamps by Dawghouse Design Studio



23. Van Gogh - for Hongkiat



24. Sewn Badges by Peachpops



25.  Crumpled Paper by WebTreatsETC



26. Magic Marker by WebTreatsETC


27. Grunge Peeling Stickers by Dawghouse Design Studio



28. Watercolor Icon Set



29.  Textured Grass by RichWorks



30. Wild Twist Paw Print pack



31. Sketchy by Dawghouse Design Studio



32. Social Icon Stickers by Cheth Studios



33. Watercolor by WebTreatsETC

So which did I choose? None, yet... I am leaning towards creating my own now!

Since we're on the subject - are we socially connected? Hit me up on:

Hope to see you there!
