that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

{Echo} Week 20- Splash

{Echo} Week 20- Splash

Atlantis Resort, Nassau, Bahamas © Christy Hydeck

“His laughter, which was never far below the surface of his conversation, now sparkled like a splash of water in sunlight.” - Joseph Lelyveld

Pssst... I have a little secret.

I may have this habit of stalking people.

Ok, Ok.  Using a word as strong as 'stalk' is really just a ploy to get your attention for a few moments. Observe is a far better choice.

Let's give that a go: I, Christy Ann Hydeck,  love to observe people.

Especially when they aren't aware. Oi. It does sound like stalking doesn't it?

Wait a minute! N O T in that negative, creepy, omgosh-call-the-cops kinda way.

It's just that I can sit in public places watching people for hours on end. Human behavior fascinates me - though at times it enrages me. It often makes me laugh... and above all it inspires me. The photo below, my contribution to Susan's diptych ... is no exception. Taken right before sunset at a public park in Martinez, California... where a family stopped to indulge in a bit of playtime.

The original shot was t e r r i b l e and had been needlessly taking up space on my computer for a few years now. But, when I paused long enough to take in a d e e p breath and close my eyes - I was transportedback to the moment I shot the photograph. Within that tender lull I realized what I had gained watching this young girl fearlessly feed the ducks and splash away - without a care in the world- in that chilly water. Thanks to the power of a little bit of Photoshop know how; I was able to transform the image into the magic I witnessed that very day in California.  So much nicer than holding onto the lousy photo I shot without thinking.

the 'before' - Martinez, California © Christy Hydeck

the 'after' - Martinez, California © Christy Hydeck

How's that for making a splash? Turning something you don't particularly care for, into something your heart treasures. Photoshop, life... it's all the same really. Our perceptions and actions dictate how we hold onto things. We have the power to transform. To transform ourselves, to transform other lives, to transform ordinary moments into magic. It's just what you choose to do with what you've been given and what you seek out.

Photo Credits: © Susan Tuttle (left) © Christy Hydeck (right)

Speaking of moments and transformations and the like...

Susan's contribution above instantly brought me back to a childhood vacation at Myrtle Beach.

A trip where I discovered the magic confidence holds. I helped my cousin Lani learn to swim with her adorable arm floaties & this little orange inner tube bathing suit on. I must have been around 10 and she must have been around 4. I distinctly remember the day as my Mom & Aunt allowed me to briefly stay with her at the pool, without their supervision - and I felt so very, very adult. With that grown-up feeling though, came grown-up pressure ... and a sense of responsibility that I couldn't shake. What if she got hurt? What if she got scared? What if she drowned? What if she didn't listen? What if, what if, what if...

Nobody got hurt and many enjoyable memories were created that day. I didn't let the what if's stop me from helping her, protecting her, and savoring the moments. Much like that day - this move, this huge step forward in my life ... has me brimming with excitement and yet those nasty what if's are weighing that down. I am trying to step back, release myself from the pressure and trust -really trust - that i will know how to follow both my heart and my head in any less than ideal situations that may arise. Most of all, remembering, that I harness the power to transform.

So, how does 'Splash' translate in photos to you? Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Get out your fancy cameras, your vintage ones, your mobile phone cams or use photoshop to manipulate a digital montage. Whatever suits you best!

Always, Chrysti

The Stairs

The Stairs

The Beauty Of Solitude

The Beauty Of Solitude