that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

49 Dreamy Examples Of Expired Film Love

49 Dreamy Examples Of Expired Film Love

(1) by I, Timmy

(2)  by kevindooley

 (3) by Ed.ward

 (4) by catbagan

(5) by Metrix X

(6) by Alice Swanson

(7) by neil △ krug

(8) by westpark

(9) by I, Timmy

(10) by sheeshoo

(11) by Maco@Sky Walker

(13) by anniebee

(14) by Matt Callow

(15) by slimmer_jimmer

(17) by Smotret

(19) by Alice Swanson

(20) by I, Timmy

(21) by Matt Callow

(23) by refractionless

(24) by sheeshoo

 (25) by kygp

(26) by miz shellygrrl

(27) by moominsean

(28) by Matt Callow

(29) by MikeWebkist

(30) by hippydream

(31) by Daniel Y. Go

(32) by Denzil~

(33) by paniek

(34) by square eyes

(35) by wasabicube

 (36) by johnnyalive

(37) by Stitch

(38) by zonepress

(39) by kat st kat

(40) by Gustavo Minas

(41) by barely_legal

(42) by benprks

(43) by teotwawki

(44) by WadeB

(45) by loidor

(46) by remediate.this

(48) by amyelyse

(49) by Alice Swanson

Expired film lends a feeling that digital photography just misses for me. Perhaps it is the process I am most drawn to .. and the simple fact that the end result is almost always a surprise. There aren't many things in life that offer us that one true moment of unknown glee and I suppose I am just drawn to the ones that are. I am so hoping Santa will gift me with some low-fi toys this holiday season. I long for a holga, or new lomo, or diana to play with. This starter kit looks awesome too. Then again, do I really need a new addiction? Well yes, yes i do.

Hope you enjoyed this dreamy trip as much I enjoyed putting it together.

Warmly, Chrysti

The stuff hope is made of

The stuff hope is made of

List Love: Things I Heart

List Love: Things I Heart