that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

My Love List :: What's Yours?

My Love List :: What's Yours?

Special thanks to MeganJane for sharing she likes purple's   blog post & love list challenge. With that, I'll start.  

I love an inspiring challenge.

I love the sound of rain tap-a-tap-tapping on an old tin roof and watching lightning storms seemingly dance over the ocean. I love the way light looks bouncing off my beaded garland on a sunny afternoon through my little kitchen window. I lovesimple, guilty pleasures to indulge my senses in. I love Starbucks iced venti skim mocha's; especially sitting outside on a perfect spring day where that almost perfect light breeze is brushing your cheeks. I love the smell of autumn winds and the sounds of leaves rustling while the trees whisper.

I love custom gift wrapping in pretty colored boxes adorned with exquisite ribbons and perhaps even rustic branches tied on with twine. I love the smell of bookstores and the rush i get every time i walk into one. I love paging through old letters and diaries of people I never knew and imagining what their life must have been like. I love being connected with all that came before me. I love organizing, and making piles of trash bags to be wistfully carried away. I love finding that amazingly perfect conversation with someone you never expected outside at 2 am and staying up til dawn without ever realizing it. I love sunrises.

I love life's little luxuries; breakfast in bed with cute pajamas on high-thread count, crisp and oh-so-cool white sheets. I love soft, cozy, squishy pillows that i can scrunch up and snuggle against; bonus points if they are cool. I love the sound of birds singing filling the air, and the way my cats crank their adorable little heads to watch. I love losing myself in a striking sunset and the joyous reminder that the world is filled with everyday beauty. I love old chandeliers with pretty prisms. I love hanging ornaments on a tree. I love google.

I love kitchenware; platters and pitchers and pottery that tells stories. I love using my grandmothers beat up old pots & worn down casserole dishes relishing the knowledge that her hands once were upon them as well. I love pausing for a moment, just to breathe that memory in. I love the original creaking, old, knicked-up hardwood floors in houses that are a century old and just begging to have their stories told. I love main streets and small towns almost as much as I love countrysides. I really do love dancing about when noone's watching and fresh cut flowers strewn about the house. I love long, drawn-out and dramatic monologue's and cheesy i-will-die-without-you-love speeches in movies. I love getting a french manicure and putting on a plush bright white robe after a shower. I love giggling when people fall.

I love writing letters with a micro-tippedblack ink pen on elegant stationery. I love envelopes sealed with a pretty sticker or better yet a wax seal. I love bakers twine wrapped around a stack of tattered old love letters with a strand just plaeading to be pulled. I love walking into paper source and touching every sheet of lush paper as I walk by it. I love pretty fabrics just begging to have my hands run over them. I ab-so-friggin-lutly love the genuine smile of a child at the precise moment you needed it or the kiss of a dog when you least expect it. I love serendipity. I love having the insides of my closets painted in pretty colors, and the suprise you get each time a door is opened. 

"As it is" | Lake Crabtree | Raleigh, North Carolina |  © Christy Hydeck

 I love softly colored nature photos with smooth and silky bokeh. I love the smell of woodsy bonfires and the memories that rush back right along with it. I love going to Mt. Washington and peering over the city I was raised in. I love sitting amidst a crowd unnoticed and watching people pass by, observing them when they don't necessarily know they are being watched. I love receiving a shipment of sharpies or caran d'ache watercolor crayons or faber-castell artist pens when every imaginable, glorious color is included. I love journals: small journals, big journals, journals covered in fabric, journals with pretty tassels, journals made by hand or laminated with eye-catching art. I love simple little moleskine journals, and elaborate journals with highly textured handmade paper. I love all the unclaimed dreams lying between each page. I love an iced-cold new castle beer on a sweltering hot summer day and a fresh white v-neck tee shirt paired with a pair of crisp new faded blue-jeans.

I love possibility. I love the never-ending plethora of options we have in life. I love the way words dance and I love talking in silly, nonsensical accents...just because. I love laughing; not just a simplegiggle or a slight chuckle.. but that from-the-gut super deep in-the-pit-of-your-belly laugh that often leaves you with tears running down your cheeks when you're done. I love that life makes us smile, even when it breaks your heart. I love living, even when it's not easy.. especially when it's hard and delighting in the day it was all worth it. At the end of the day, I love being me and all the fateful flaws, hopeless optimism, oddities and eccentricities that entails. I love singing at the top of my lungs and not caring if it's on key and the surprise that I was 'caught'.  I love sarcasm, horridly bad puns and so-stupid-they are funny one-liner jokes. 

I love remembering all the things i hold dear, and truly love.

"a quiet understanding" | JC Raulston Aroboretum | Raleigh, NC |  © Christy Hydeck

That... my friends, is my little list -- for today anyway. I think i may just do this once a week, cuz' boy oh boy did it make my day much lighter. I sense this coming on as a new theme for an art journal.

Now kiddos, let's see your "love list".

As she loves purple  said: "*I challenge you to make your own list. The only catch? You can't include a single person you know on your list. No "I love the way my husband laughs" or "I love hearing my little girl call for me." It'll be tough, I know. (Think about it, I couldn't include MOLLY on my list.) But this particular little exercise is about stripping away everyone who defines you and figuring out what you (not his partner; not their mother/daughter/sister/friend) love."

Be sure to leave me a link to yours!



An Enchanted Life

An Enchanted Life

Gladness, Sorrow and Promise

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