All tagged resources: photography

Easy 2 Minute, 4 Ingredient Mixed-Media Texture (Use in Artography!) Tutorial

This quickie DIY texture (awesome to use in your digital manipulations of photographs) is easy to do and is incredibly versatile when blending with your photographs. Scan the finished product for a high-resolution texture or take a photo of it with your iPhone or other mobile device and use it as a soft texture on your mobile photography! You can create multiple textures by focusing on different parts of the painting when you digitize it. (winning!)

Giveaway, Published & Week 13 of Echo

I interrupt your Thursday with a few bits of fantistical news .. Go, Read On...


The ever-so-delightful Susan Tuttle is celebrating the release of her Second Book this week! She worked so very hard to bring you a book filled to the brim with projects, inspiration and digital how-to's... a must have really, for anyone interested in digital art or photo manipulation. I am thrilled to have a piece featured in her book as well..along with several other amazing contributors. Better yet, she is giving a copy away over on her blog - so be sure to stop by & enter. I also have a few other features currently out:

  • An article/tutorial and artist paper in the March/April issue of Somerset Studio... hurry, before it is off the newstands! I'll also be posting several other tutorials in conjunction with that article on my new site... which i am still slaving away at.
  • Loving my spread in the Summer 2010 issue of Artful Blogging. Such a beautiful publication - worthy of an evening alone, soaking up all the beauty it offers. More on this once I finish the site... I have posts lined up .. just for you, I hope you'll join me there when the time comes.
  •  So happy with a recent interview  I did over at The Empty Easel. I talk a bit about building an online audience, time management & more.. go check it out.
  • I have 5 original paintings currently being exhibited at Princeton's ArtFirst! Exhibition, if you are nearby .. can you let me know? I'd love to get some photos of it.

I have a few more features coming out soon, and working on some deadlines for publications later this year .. but my biggest priorities are getting ready to move, moving, cleaning out inventory and finishing the new site... it's amazing how much energy those things alone take up. Balance, is what I am striving to learn and maintain. Susan & I have decided to postpone this week's {Echo} until next Wednesday... it's a great time to go through the past themes and join in on some of your favorites - it's never too late!  We'd love to have you as a part of it. ---> {Echo} Week 1 - Emerge ---> {Echo} Week 2 - Decorate ---> {Echo} Week 3 - Abundance ---> {Echo} Week 4 - Surprise ---> {Echo} Week 5 -Melody ---> {Echo} Week 6 - Face ---> {Echo} Week 7 - Whisper ---> {Echo} Week 8 - Juicy ---> {Echo} Week 9 - Illuminate ---> {Echo} Week 10 - Collection ---> {Echo} Week 11 - Blossom ---> {Echo} Week 12 - Dim Warmly, Chrysti

{Echo} Week 6- Face


“To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the truth within the soul”- Mahatma Gandhi

Evidence of the word 'face' seems to be swirling all around me these days...

“The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty, and truth”-Albert Einstein

Every, single, darn day ...we bear witness to those who have chosen to show unmeasurable courage while faced with difficult decisions and it is through our faces we reveal our deepest selves, share emotions and strengthen the connections that we form.

“If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart.Then in living - I have made my mark.”-Thomas L. Odem, Jr

Sometimes, we are faced with a smile that melts the core of who we are on an otherwise bad day. One moment can magically heal many tough ones - such as this one, of my sweet Morgan.


Pair it with a dear friend's photo... and...

(click photo to see it larger)

..  that simple word face... becomes a bit more powerful than I initially thought.

“I do believe that when we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it's an opportunity to build on our faith, inner strength, and courage. I've learned that how we face challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them.”- Sasha Azevedo

I look forward to seeing what you in have store for Week 6 of Echo– Face. Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Remember, to share your link in the comments here so I can add it to the roundup next Wednesday.

Here's to putting our best faces forward, and choosing to face the adversities in our life with courage & passion.
