that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

DIY TUTORIAL: Upcycled Birch Gift Wrap

DIY TUTORIAL: Upcycled Birch Gift Wrap

© Christy Hydeck -Don't tempt fate, karma or my lawyers by stealing.

Three things hold true for me where gift wrapping is concerned, most every year.

1) It's bound to be different than any other present you'll receive; I want it to make an impression.

2) I take package presentation seriously, v e r y seriously. No cartoony paper here.

3) You'll have a heckuva time opening it, by design- merely so it makes it entertaining for moi.

Combine those with a hefty dose of my im-so-terribly-cheap-err-frugal that I really want a boutique look for well, next to nothing.  Don't we all? So this year, after I completed the book, I did a big ol' clean-out in my studio and stumbled upon this massive roll of vintage wallpaper that i got for $1 at a salvage store when I lived in Raleigh, it was either here or here ... I honestly can't remember. It's off white, has a subtle birch pattern and simply lovely. I decided right then and there to use up some of it as gift wrap.

Wallpaper as gift wrap? Perfection! Heavy, doesn't tear easily, folds nicely - the roll will wrap 300+ gifts i think... talk about economical. (I'll be lining my drawers with some next!) The only slight drawback is that this paper repelled tape - so I had to improvise and used hot glue.

Yes, Hot Glue.

A dab here, a dab there... just enough to keep those flaps shut. (you can get one here if needed)

© Christy Hydeck -Don't tempt fate, karma or my lawyers by stealing.

Once upon a time... I had an online supply store and sold lovely vintage ribbons and trims.

This red fabric trim, was one of those. Christmas Red. Birch Paper.

A match made in my studio, or heaven...

then again heaven is a studio to me...

Anyway, I digress.

With a massive, massive wholesale roll I am still trying to use up this stuff! (This appears to be similar, if you wanted a stash of your own)To adhere it to the package: I cut each piece so that when tightly pulled, the ends met in the middle. I secured it with a dab of hot glue. After a gazillion burns on my finger, I got a wee bit wiser and used scissors to press the ends into it - keeps it all nice and taut.

© Christy Hydeck -Don't tempt fate, karma or my lawyers by stealing.

With the ribbon all done, that just left the gift tags.

I'm a nature girl at heart.  I had a big ol' bag of birch bark that I had collected from forest floors, the parking lot by UNO's where the birch trees are and a jumbo bag that I swapped Donna for awhile back. It was a no-brainer to delve into that stash. To secure it to the present: Arrange pieces in a formation you like. Dab hot glue (betcha didn't see that one coming) to the back and press for a moment or two. Continue until happy with your placement. Write recipient name in Sharpie.

Sidenote: Why oh why do we hoard supplies as if they are precious and shouldn't be used? What good do they do collecting dust anyway? I'm on a mission to use what I have. Join me!

All in all, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. For a bit of variety, I used the plain side of grocery bags and Kraft paper too.

© Christy Hydeck -Don't tempt fate, karma or my lawyers by stealing.

I think you could add a sprig of evergreen for a nice finishing touch as well.

I already love, love, love the memories that I will have watching those I love open these gifts. I'm sure I shall be cussed at as they manipulate the hot glue, but in a loving sort of way. Ahhh, family.

Are your gifts all wrapped? Have creative wrapping ideas to share? Bonus points for anything that is upcycled, creative, cheap and/or eco-friendly. Share your link in the comments so we can all delight in the goodness too and most importantly, have a happy, happy, happy, holiday filled with memories and optional cussing.



P.S. More photos of the gifts + my holiday decor can be found here.

Raleigh, North Carolina art supply shopping resources mentioned : The Scrap Exchange & Habitat for Humanity Resale

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