that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

that day changed my life, i discovered a flat iron! { the hubby + i being our ridiculous selves. there is always laughter round these parts! }

Hey, you! Christy here. I am just SO very glad you stopped by! There are at least a bazillion photos, adventures and projects for you to DIY - so grab a cupppa whatever your vice is, and stay a spell!

{Echo} Week 12- Dim

{Echo} Week 12- Dim

Duke Park | Durham, North Carolina | © Christy Hydeck

"Experience is a dim lamp, which only lights the one who bears it."-Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Dim seems an apt choice today. The skies are grey, the mood is fairly somber here and my poor blog hasn't had the attention it deserves... (shhhh! I've been slaving away at my new site, and gasp - new blog!) ... I have a mile long list of posts, but I keep wanting to save them for the new blog... I'm so excited to be working on it, and will be doubly thrilled once it is complete.. I hope you'll share in that joy with me. One of the many perks moving the site will have is the ability to share larger photos with you... that alone, makes it worth it.

Photo Credits: © Susan Tuttle (left), © Christy Hydeck (right)

I'm ever so grateful for this collaborative  journey Susan & I embarked on. It keeps me coming back to my blog, keeps my photography and digital painting skills from turning to utter and complete mush, and it even just keeps me distracted sometimes...  just when I seem to need it most.

I look at each and every one of your echo's as well. I find so much inspiration within your photos and words, and find myself blessed when you share those elements of just who you are too. I haven't been able to squeeze the time to comment as much I'd like the last month, but I do make an effort to soak it all in... I hope each of you know how much I value your contributions.  

"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit."-Antoine Rivarol

As Susan so beautifully said this week.. "Enjoy taking photographs in environments with limited light, or digitally manipulating an image to achieve the same kind of result. Or, you may interpret the word from an entirely different angle. We look forward to seeing what you come up with."

Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Remember, to share your link in the comments here so if I get a chance to do a round-up I can add your site to the post.



Giveaway, Published & Week 13 of Echo

Giveaway, Published & Week 13 of Echo

{Echo} Week 11- Blossom

{Echo} Week 11- Blossom